Course Information

Academics:  Earn Credits and Improve Job Prospects: Adult High School offers teacher-led credit courses allowing adults to prepare themselves for post-secondary education (College, University), Apprenticeships and/or the World of Work. The school features a supportive staff, flexible services and programs, and an opportunity to upgrade skills in classrooms with other adult learners.

Are you Indigenous? Check out our Indigenous Adult Learning Space!

Department Sites:   English and ESL      Mathematics        Science 

Also available:  Co-operative EducationCulinary Arts, Business Studies, Canadian & World Studies, Communication Technology, Computer Science, Fitness, Social Studies and Visual Arts.

Improve your English, Math, or Computer skills:

The Department of Continuing Education offers the following classes for adult learners at Adult High School:

Other study options in Ontario:

  • Evening classes or summer school:
    Call Continuing Education at 613-239-2325
  • ESL, LINC or Academic Upgrading:
    Call 613-239-2737 or 613-239-2297
  • Study online independently: Go to

If you have questions about the Ontario School System, go to to read about the school system.

The information is available in 17 languages!